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Web Platform Installer 5.1最新中文英文版32位/64位官方版下载

Web Platform Installer5.1 WebPI64位下载

Microsoft Web Platform Installer-WebPI提供了简化的安装工作流程,用于安装常见的开源Web应用程序和Web平台技术

Microsoft Web Platform Installer是一个免费工具,可轻松下载,安装和更新Microsoft Web Platform的最新组件,包括Internet信息服务(IIS),SQL Server Express,.NET Framework和视觉工作室。Web PI还可以通过内置的Windows Web Application Gallery轻松安装和运行最受欢迎的免费Web应用程序,用于博客,内容管理等。

单击下面的下载链接,即表示您同意Microsoft Web Platform Installer 的许可条款。该安装程序将通过Internet与Microsoft联系以检索产品信息。通过WebPI获得的某些Microsoft软件可能会使用Microsoft的客户体验改善计划(CEIP)。要查看哪些软件使用CEIP,请参阅Microsoft Web平台隐私声明。



The Microsoft Web Platform Installer - WebPI provides a simplified installation workflow for installing common open source web applications and web platform technologies

The Microsoft Web Platform Installer is a free tool that makes it simple to download, install and keep up-to-date with the latest components of the Microsoft Web Platform, including Internet Information Services (IIS), SQL Server Express, .NET Framework and Visual Studio. Web PI also makes it easy to install and run the most popular free web applications for blogging, content management and more with the built-in Windows Web Application Gallery

By clicking the Download links below, you agree to the license terms for the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. This installer will contact Microsoft over the Internet to retrieve product information. Some of the Microsoft software obtained through WebPI may use Microsoft's Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). To view which software uses CEIP, see Microsoft Web Platform Privacy Statements.


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